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Destination Marketing Today
Get Travelers Thinking Beyond the Weekend Trip

Get Travelers Thinking Beyond the Weekend Trip

Australia has reopened and launched a brand new $40 million campaign: “Don’t Go Small. Go Australia”. The strategy is to get travelers thinking beyond the weekend trips and week-long stays that became common during the pandemic. A big U.S. rollout is expected in March.

You might have seen their commercial on NBC as the network transitioned from its coverage of the Super Bowl to the Winter Olympics. The high-profile nature of the Super Bowl and the geographic proximity of Los Angeles to Australia made the telecast a logical venue for a statement that the country is open.

Not every destination has the budget as Australia, but every destination can borrow their strategy to quickly increase brand awareness and to activate travelers to consider their destination the next time they are planning a trip.

A special acknowledgement should be made that yes, there are a ton of things to do in Australia. There are also a ton of things to do in your destination. Don’t sell yourself short. Highlight the multitude of things and start suggesting to your market area “This destination is worth a big trip!”


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