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Great morning!
- Bryan, Ohio Redesigns a Water Tower
Paint the Town
Spangler Candy Company and the Bryan Board of Public Affairs are celebrating the redesign of a landmark attraction for the community – a redesigned water tower.
The new design for the water tower will feature eight large Dum-Dums lollipops surrounding the circumference of the main tank, with the legs of the tower painted white to represent lollipop sticks. The words BRYAN, OHIO will be printed in large letters down the riser pipe.
Perfect Timing
The work comes at a time when Spangler Candy Company is developing Spangler Candy World, a new destination attraction for Bryan, on the east side of the downtown square. Spangler Candy World is scheduled to open in 2023.
You know this company
Spangler Candy Company has been in Bryan, Ohio since 1906. Under its Dum-Dums flagship, it is one of the largest lollipop producers in the world and the only major candy cane producer in the U.S. Other products include Saf-T-Pops, Spangler Circus Peanuts, Sweethearts, Necco Wafers, Canada Mints, and Bit-O-Honey.
This lollipop was part of my childhood growing up, available to students as a reward for being good.
In addition to taking a trip to Bryan, Ohio to see this and visit the park, I would also buy a desktop version.
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