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  • Jacksonville, Florida, USA
Rise of the Ambassador Programs

Rise of the Ambassador Programs

Big Picture

Discover Los Alamos, the meeting and visitor bureau program of the Los Alamos Commerce and Development Corporation (LACDC), launched the Los Alamos Ambassador Program.

A Necessary Development

More than 90,000 people travel to Los Alamos annually.

How it Works

The program and it is designed to help create a group of informed helpers who represent the community. It is a free hybrid program that includes a 2.5 hour A2D (Arrival to Departure) customized online training course through Visitor Engagement Academy, followed by an hour in-person class where participants will learn tips and resources to become a more effective Ambassador.

While Los Alamos has two visitor centers that help guide travelers, they also know it is the hostesses, waitresses, retail staff, museum volunteers and other local attractions, as well as neighbors, who unwittingly hold the power to make or break a visitor’s experience as welcoming, positive and one to recommend to friends, family and acquaintances.

Check out the program, here.

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